Are you still ON THE FENCE?
You’re one step away from choosing YOU—discover why this retreat is the reset you’ve been waiting for.
empower by prioritizing
Every day you get up with the intention that today you will make a change.
And every day you wake up exhausted, staying in bed until the very last minute. When you get up, you already ‘feel’ behind. And as per usual– others’ priorities begin to appear and you assume your ‘role’.
The day goes on with you doing ALL the things. You find yourself rescheduling appointments, and again–putting off that vacation or activity you had decided you would do for you.
You constantly juggle and do–because that is who you are. Self care and prioritizing yourself seems like a pipe dream and a far fetched fantasy, and you just think you’ll get to it….sometime.
You know you need to take better care of yourself but you feel no joy in doing so.
Life is busy, and you were raised to believe that if you just ‘worked hard enough’ you’d figure it all out.
You’re waiting. You feel blessed and grateful for what you have and you never want to seem like you aren’t.
But deep down, you want more. You want to believe you deserve it.

You know something has to change.

Your health challenges have told you so if…
Your fibroids are as large as grapefruits and your periods are agonizing.
The pain from your headaches strike you blind midstep.
Your relationship challenges have told you so if…
Date night is a distant memory, and “going dancing” is you hopping up and down to get into your slacks in the mornings.
Talking through your issues has gotten harder between the long silences and even longer looks of disappointment.
Your work stress has told you that something has to change if…
It seems that the only person who knows how to do anything right is you, and there is only one version of you.
It feels that no matter how good you are, your best is never good enough. The worry and strain are slowly breaking you down.
You long for a way to do things differently.
The tenseness in your shoulders that only subsides after taking medication, but roars back to life as soon as you get going again.
The yearning to feel content with what you have when the guilt comes because you can’t…
You use accolades and accomplishments to hold back the empty feeling that comes once you’ve accomplished the next thing on your list.

Fast forward to now.

You’ve arrived at the Empower & Prioritize YOU Retreat & Coaching Experience and you are shown to your beautiful room, right on the beach at Tybee Island.
You can hear the waves and you feel the ocean breezes. Your mind keeps going back to what you left at home–but you are finally ready to put yourself first.
You are greeted by Retreat Organizer Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell with a warm hug and guided to your room to relax and settle into your beautiful private room.
When you’re ready, you’ll come to the main room, welcomed by “Auntie” Patience Mitchell with some delectable treats to hold you until dinner and TLC so you know you're "home" for the weekend and dearly loved.
You’ll meet 4 other women who are on a similar journey: to prioritize your needs and desires, and reset your mindsets as to what life can be like when you put YOU first.
You’re ready for what’s next.
But right now your life is not like that.
You’re exhausted, stressed and tired from doing it all for everyone.
From the moment you open your eyes in the morning, your mind is racing with all of the things other people need. Partner, children and/or parents; work colleagues, bosses, clients; community, spiritual, and civic leadership…
Everyone needs something from you.
You don’t mind doing things for others, but there is one problem.

You have no time for you.
You were raised to believe that if everyone else was taken care of, that you would be appreciated and that feeling would be enough to carry you through life.
And it did - for a long time.
But now your cup has run over with the constant worry about others and is almost empty, leaving not enough to sustain you.
And your body is starting to show signs of the strain.
At the Empower and Prioritize You Retreat & Coaching Experience, we'll guide you on the journey to free yourself
so you can do the things that matter most to you.
Is this You?
You are an accomplished woman who achieves everything she sets her mind to, yet questions when the feeling of satisfaction will come - and stay.
The people in your circle love and support you, and desire you to be deeply involved with their projects and priorities. There’s everything right with helping others, but you wish there was more time for you in there.
You are tired of living a perfect life that looks great from the outside, but is exhausting as you are living it

At the Empower and Prioritize Yourself Retreat & Coaching Experience, you will:

Learn how to start your day with you as the priority and center, and understand why it is imperative for your best performance in every area of your life.
Establish a plan to consistently treat yourself well, demonstrating to your loved ones, your clients and your coworkers that “I matter”.
Create a morning routine to breathe, meditate and get into your quiet space so that you can set your intention for your day.
Master how to differentiate between busy work and productive work so that you can remove things from your schedule.
Identify areas in your life where an assistant could free up 3 to 5 hours of your time.
Implement grace in your life that allows you to embrace that everyday you live the best that you can with what you had to deal with.
Have a plan to prioritize vacation and rest time as necessary rejuvenation so that you can come back refreshed and revving to go into the next part of your life.
Still not sure? If you...
Get up every day with the intention of doing something good for yourself, but you are so exhausted that you hang onto the pillow until the last moment and then you have a built-in excuse as to why you did not take time to breathe and meditate before the day starts.
Allow other people's priorities to roll into your mind before your own needs - your children, spouse, clients, supervisors….
Rush through the day grabbing whatever comes to hand as far as food (because it’s not really nutrition).
Have meetings that have meetings, you are so overworked and overscheduled that you forget key things that need to be done for YOU.
Reschedule doctor's appointments due to client meetings. You don’t go to the dentist on time because your child’s game is that evening and you have to go pick up snacks.
Don’t go on vacation because you have a major project that is due, and there is always a major project that is due.
Are exhausted at the end of the day, but you feel that you must take time to prepare for the next day if you are going to get the jump on your competition.
Lack joy in your life and self-care sounds like a luxury for people who have assistants who have assistants.
Have forgotten that self-care is putting yourself first so that you may have more energy and excitement and genuine consciousness of the present moment to enjoy and be the best version of yourself that you can, not just yourself but for everyone you encounter.

Then the Empower and Prioritize Yourself Retreat & Coaching Experience is for YOU!
Here’s what we’ll do

At the Empower & Prioritize YOU Retreat & Coaching Experience, not only will we change the story you’re telling yourself now, we’ll create a new path forward to reset your mindset.
This is how we’re going to CHANGE that, truly RESET your MINDSET to Empower and Prioritize YOU:
Guided sessions to
Determine how we got HERE - overworked, overscheduled, and putting ourselves dead last.
Understand where we’re going - moving from living a perfect life to an excellent one full of grace for yourself and others.
RELEASE old thoughts and paradigms that no longer serve us and reshape our thought patterns to empower us.
Private, one-on-one coaching with Lynita to create a plan to put YOU FIRST so you can live a joyfully successful life!
Plenty of time to relax on the beach, in your room, with the other ladies, or by yourself.
Catered meals by “Auntie” Patience Mitchell of Auntie’s Baked Goodies.
Fun entertainment - game night and opportunities to go out on the town.
Spiritual release and rejuvenation with daily guided meditations and affirmations.
All while enjoying catered meals in a community of loving support together - you are not alone!

This is the beginning of your new lifestyle and we’ll create it together.
Ready to ditch the limiting beliefs that you don’t deserve more?
Are you ready?
Here’s what’s included
All meals, and accommodations
All meals from the time you arrive to the depart will be catered by "Auntie" Patience Mitchell.
Accommodations in a beautiful, private 7 bedroom house on the beach. Private and shared rooms are available.
All retreat sessions
During and after the retreat, you will be paired with an accountability partner.
Private coaching with Lynita
During the retreat, Lynita will meet with you one-on-one to develop your personal post-retreat success plan
Be paired with an accountability partner
A spot in Lynita’s 12 week coaching program
This includes weekly small group calls to help you stay on track prioritizing and empowering YOU!
Not included
Travel to Tybee Island
Additional entertainment outside of the noted agenda activities
Items of a personal nature
Meals outside of what is provided as noted on the agenda

Post-Retreat Coaching
We’re packing A LOT in three days, and want to ensure it sticks.
Therefore, we’ll have weekly Zoom calls to ensure we all stay on track.
Remember, we’re here because we know we’re stress bunnies, and need to change the behaviors that turned us into these hyped-up energizer-fueled versions of ourselves.
It’s one thing to be busy with purpose and vision.
It’s another to be all over the place and falling apart with health ailments, broken relationships, and pain.
We want to ensure that all of the healing, positive energy, self-prioritization and empowerment you've accomplished sticks when you get back to life.
To do that, you will
1. Receive weekly inspirational and motivational messages from Lynita to strengthen your self-commitment and
2. Engage in weekly one-hour group coaching calls with our "Retreat Family".
What's included in the 12 week coaching program?
Week 1: Methods to keep our "happy hormones" flowing, i.e., increase endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin.
Week 2: How to find inspiration wherever and whenever you are using the resources you already have.
Week 3: Techniques to enhance your prayers for yourself and your loved ones.
Week 4: Strategies to avoid taking over when asked to "help"; i.e., take off your cape and keep it off!
Week 5: Methods to find freedom and comfort during times of stress.
Week 6: Stances and postures to open your body to experience greater enthusiasm and excitement in life.
Week 7: Somatic yoga techniques to aid in reprograming the parts of your body that hurt, leading to healing.
Week 8: Identify ways to maximize our positive global impact by making small changes in our daily routine.
Week 9: Explore pathways to better rest and deeper sleep.
Weeks 10 - 11: Develop and implement your plan to remove people, places, activities, and groups that do not support prioritizing YOU.
Week 12: Develop journal prompts to remind YOU to prioritize you everyday of your life!
Just us.
For you, by us!